As you know, tea is the most consumed beverage after water in our country, and unlike other drinks, tea is accepted as a blessing in our country, so tea has always been in the finals of chats and pleasant meals.
From 2011 to 2014, Hançay carried out extensive researches in the sector and as a result brought lasting scientific solutions to the problems of the sector, and in 2015, Hançay stepped into the sector.
By correctly analyzing the common problems of tea consumers;
- Tea of the same quality 365 days a year
- One year fermentation period
- Dusting process
- Clear and fire-red true tea color
- It has added many innovations to the sector in this short time with its healthy and protected packaging form from production to consumer and has been an example for other manufacturers.
Hançay, cafes where primarily pleasant conversations are made, famous kitchens where delicious food is eaten, tea gardens with unique views where fatigue is thrown, and all business places where profitable trade are made are in the happiness of bringing our tea together.
Sincerely, Hançay family…